Save time and money with hashing2heating
The ASIC market is getting better, with easier hardware access, lower prices, and higher efficiency. But it’s still a bit chaotic for newcomers. We assist in sourcing for projects, offering reliable sources and updated pricing with a reasonable service fee.
Save time and money on your project with hashing2heating
Greening the Grid: Bitcoin Mining's Environmental Mission
Bitcoin Mining is leading a revolution in both cleaning up traditional energy production AND incentivizing the development (PDF), improvement and build out of the currently named renewable sector. Here is a selection of resources and dialogue on the topics.
We believe capturing the heat resulting from providing network security is a valid contribution to these efforts on any scale. Feel free to reach out with any questions or schedule a free 30-minute consultation to discuss your project with us.
Why the New ESG Narrative About Bitcoin Will Power the Next Bull Run
Greening With Incentive Offsets
Can Bitcoin Save the Environment- Troy and Peter
Norwegian Mining Cogeneration for Wood Drying isn’t it good, Norwegian wood?
Bitcoin Mining and Reviving OTEC
Bitcoin Mining and the Case for More Energy
Utilities in US Homes Distribution- 1/4 of all homes are 100% electric already
Bitcoin -The Mycelium of Money -Brandon Quittem
Growing Flowers – Mining Bitcoin- BicoinBloem
Electric Money-Perspectives on Bitcoin, Energy and Environment
Bitcoin is Humanitarian and Environmental – Alex Gladstein
Bitcoin from the Landfills – trash2hash?
Bitcoin- A Key to Saving the Environment Susie Violet Ward
Recycling For BTC – BTC Solutions- NYC area only for now.
Bitcoin is a Pioneer Species-Brandon Quittem
Bitcoin and Renewables, and Miners Observations- Miner Daily
The ESG Case FOR BTC- DSBatten
The market for obtaining the most important part of the equation—ASICs—is improving, with increased ease in finding hardware, lower pricing, and greater unit efficiency.
However, at this current time, it remains somewhat of a moving target, adrift in a sea of rapid currents that can be confusing for new entrants. We offer sourcing for contracted projects for various reasons, one of which is having knowledge of reliable sources. We provide the most up-to-date pricing available to us and then add a reasonable service fee.
The market for obtaining the most important part of the equation—ASICs—is improving, with increased ease in finding hardware, lower pricing, and greater unit efficiency.
However, at this current time, it remains somewhat of a moving target, adrift in a sea of rapid currents that can be confusing for new entrants. We offer sourcing for contracted projects for various reasons, one of which is having knowledge of reliable sources. We provide the most up-to-date pricing available to us and then add a reasonable service fee.
Our trusted sales partners
We are also happy to work in a design and consulting capacity or assist in installing systems of your own purchase. Please note that some of the following are affiliate links, which means our business may earn a commission if you make a purchase. Thank you for supporting our growth!